A Life Update

Life is funny sometimes. One minute you are unhappy with your life and the next something wonderful happens and turns your entire life upside down. That’s exactly what happened to me this year. At the beginning of the year I was stuck in a job that made me unhappy. I wasn’t excited for the future at all. Only a few short months later however my position had changed completely.

Ever since finishing my degree I struggled to find a job that was in line with my qualifications and interests. Eventually I started applying for jobs that I really really really didn’t want to do just to finally have a job, but despite various interviews I could never get the jobs because of ‘lack of experience’. I was depressed and demotivated and if I was honest with myself I didn’t really want a job in Germany. All I wanted was to fulfill my childhood dream and move to England and to be with my English boyfriend. This however was a distant dream when my boyfriend came to visit me for christmas 2016.

One night when I came home from work he told me about a job vacancie that he had come across which sounded suitable for me. We ended up writing the application together and some assessments and one Skype interview later (I say that but it actually took a few weeks) I had got myself a job in the field that I had always been interested in (despite lack of experience) and in the area where my boyfriend lives.

A new chapter

The only challenge was that they needed me as soon as possible. So I handed in my notice at my job and started packing up my life in Germany. Within six weeks I cancelled my flat, sold some of my things including my beloved car and packed up all of my belongings whilst still working full-time. At the end of February 2017 I embarked on this new chapter of my life.

I have to admit that these six weeks were the most stressful but also most exciting of my life. On the one hand I finally got what I had always wanted but on the other hand it meant that I had to leave my family and friends which was incredibly hard and there were many tears.

Four months on I have settled in well at my new job and in my new home. I am so much happier and finally feel like I am where I belong. Of course I still miss my family and friends an awful lot but I am optimistic that I will be able to see them all at least once a year, which is better than nothing I guess.

So there we have it, sometimes dreams do come true.

Now back to watching 101 Dalmatians on telly. Hope to see you back for my next post.
