My Current Obsession: Peach and Coral Nails

Over the past few weeks I’ve fallen in love with painting my nails in bright shades of peach and coral. This took me a bit by surprise as I’ve know myself to like mainly pastels on my nails around this time of the year.

Although I have all sorts of different colours in my nailpolish collection I mostly ended up reaching for the same ones over and over again. But then a few weeks ago I just felt like wearing something more bright on my nails and I started to really like it. So I ended up wearing the following four nailpolishes in turns over the last few weeks.

Barry M Nailpaint – Peach Melba:

I really like this peachy colour because it has a nice cream finish and is a great compromise between my beloved pastels and a fun and bright summer colour. It’s super easy to apply because of the typical Barry M brush which makes it soo much easier for me to paint my nails despite my utter clumsyness. 😉 It dries rather quick and is fairly opaque with just one coat but I prefer applying another one to make it a bit more even.

P2 Color Victim – Wow Wow Wow:
This colour is a bit more on the red side in comparison with ‘Peach Melba’ and I’ve been wearing it a lot in the past month. It’s quite creamy and I like that it is easy to apply. The only thing I really dislike is that it takes aaaages to dry properly…so annoying. But once it is all dry I just love it and it lasts quite some time on my nails without any major chipping.

 Wet n Wild Wild Shine – Blazed:

This colour is a very bright pinky-coral. It caught my eye some time ago while I was minding my own business at the local supermarket. I really liked how bright it looked so it had to come home with me. 🙂
I’m totally in love with this colour but it is rather thin and runny in my oppinion so putting a proper basecoat underneath it is a must, as well as applying at least two coats. Once it’s dry though I love it on my nails even in combination with some of the other nailpolishes in this post.

Barry M Nailpaint – Coral:

Last but certainly not least is another Barry M polish. Again it applies like a dream and dries quickly. Despite this being called ‘Coral’ I consider it more of a strawberry-ish colour but no matter what it’s called I like how bright and vibrant it is. For me it is the perfect summer version of a classic red nail.

Does anyone else like these kind of colours at the moment? I’d love to know 🙂

Have a great day xx