My Current Obsession: Peach and Coral Nails

Over the past few weeks I’ve fallen in love with painting my nails in bright shades of peach and coral. This took me a bit by surprise as I’ve know myself to like mainly pastels on my nails around this time of the year.

Although I have all sorts of different colours in my nailpolish collection I mostly ended up reaching for the same ones over and over again. But then a few weeks ago I just felt like wearing something more bright on my nails and I started to really like it. So I ended up wearing the following four nailpolishes in turns over the last few weeks.

Barry M Nailpaint – Peach Melba:

I really like this peachy colour because it has a nice cream finish and is a great compromise between my beloved pastels and a fun and bright summer colour. It’s super easy to apply because of the typical Barry M brush which makes it soo much easier for me to paint my nails despite my utter clumsyness. πŸ˜‰ It dries rather quick and is fairly opaque with just one coat but I prefer applying another one to make it a bit more even.

P2 Color Victim – Wow Wow Wow:
This colour is a bit more on the red side in comparison with ‘Peach Melba’ and I’ve been wearing it a lot in the past month. It’s quite creamy and I like that it is easy to apply. The only thing I really dislike is that it takes aaaages to dry properly…so annoying. But once it is all dry I just love it and it lasts quite some time on my nails without any major chipping.

Β Wet n Wild Wild Shine – Blazed:

This colour is a very bright pinky-coral. It caught my eye some time ago while I was minding my own business at the local supermarket. I really liked how bright it looked so it had to come home with me. πŸ™‚
I’m totally in love with this colour but it is rather thin and runny in my oppinion so putting a proper basecoat underneath it is a must, as well as applying at least two coats. Once it’s dry though I love it on my nails even in combination with some of the other nailpolishes in this post.

Barry M Nailpaint – Coral:

Last but certainly not least is another Barry M polish. Again it applies like a dream and dries quickly. Despite this being called ‘Coral’ I consider it more of a strawberry-ish colour but no matter what it’s called I like how bright and vibrant it is. For me it is the perfect summer version of a classic red nail.

Does anyone else like these kind of colours at the moment? I’d love to know πŸ™‚

Have a great day xx

I’m back…and a walk in the park

Wow so I really haven’t posted anything on this blog for almost a year have I ? I kind of got out of the whole blogging loop before I actually was properly in it but I guess that’s what happens when life gets in the way.

Anyway, I want to start posting on a regular basis now and I thought I share a few nice pictures I took when I had a walk in the park several days ago for a start.

I had a really nice afternoon in the sunshine that finally arrived in Germany and had a little stroll in the botanical gardens. There were not too many people about so it was nice and quiet and I got the chance to test my cameraΒ  as well as my non existent photography skills. I’m quite happy with how the pictures turned out so maybe not all hope is lost with me lol πŸ˜‰
Well anyway, enough for now. Have a great day


My favourite Spring and Summer Nailpolishes 2012

I know this might be a bit late but the weather has been sooo rainy and grey that it didn’t feel like summer at all. Today though it’s been a gorgeous, sunny and quite hot day so I thought I’ll get my nailpolishes out and get some colour on my nails.

The nailpolishes I’m about to show you are all drugstore products and were each less than 2 Euros. Unfortunately my camera doesn’t always do the colours justice but anyway, here they are.

The first two polishes are from P2, a very affordable drugstore brand here in Germany.
P2 Color Victim No 043: Dream Lover:
A gorgeous pastel yellow whith a cream finish. I really liked that colour when I first saw it in the shop because it’s just so summery. Unfortunately it doesn’t provide the best coverage and several coats are needed to make it look at least a bit like what it looks like in the bottle.
P2 Color Victim No 590: Who cares?
I like this mint green because it looks kind of “retro” in my opinion and because it resembles Essies Mint Candy Apple a bit. It’s easy to work with and provides very good coverage with only one coat. I find this a bit odd to be honest since it’s the same brand as the yellow one, but then again they are very different colours so the difference in quality might not be that surprising.

Those two are from a brand called “essence” which is a European brand that is available in all sorts of countries such as Germany, Austria, Russia, Poland, France, Irland….only to mention a few.
Both colours are from their “Show your feet” range which offers all sorts of different foot care products and nailpolishes which are meant to be more longlasting than others and therefore particularly well suited for your toe nails (but that doesn’t keep me from using them for my hands aswell ;-)).
Essence Show your feet No 15: Flamingo Rose:
A very trendy peachy-pink colour that applies very well and is very opaque with just one coat.
Essence Show your feet No 16: Miss Lavender:
I really like this colour because I loooove lavender and I think it is a very “lady-like” colour that looks a bit old fashioned aswell (but in a good way). It also has great coverage.

Next are those two bright pink colours.
No 260: Drama:
This hot pink is a real eye catcher and looks great on the toe nails. Its very opaque and even brighter than it looks in the bottle.
Barry M: No279 Bright Pink:
This was my first Barry M nailpolish.They are not available in Germany so I bought it on one of my numerous trips to England. It’s not quite as bright as the other one.It’s and more of a bubble gum pink but it’s just as gorgeous.

These last two polishes are unfortunately not available anymore because the orange one was from MNY ( a sister brand of Maybelline) which isn’t for sale anymore in Germany, and the red one was from a Limited Edition last year. Nevertheless I like them both and thought I’ll include them anyway. πŸ˜€
MNY: No 205a:
I really liked this orangy colour because it has a bit of a golden shimmer in it and reminds me of a sunset.
What I don’t like is its coverage.It is quite difficult to build a certain level of opacity with it which makes this polish a bit too hard to work with I think.
P2 Sun City LE: No 040 Fifth Avenue:
Last but not least is this gorgeous red colour. What I like most about it is its golden shimmer, which looks particularly nice with tanned skin, which makes it ideal for summer.
So these were my top 8 nailpolishes for this Spring and Summer. Have a great day